

44055 Airport View Dr., Hollywood, MD 20636


Mon-Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM

Mon-Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Schedule Your Appointment 301-373-3537
44055 Airport View Dr., Hollywood, MD 20636

Is it Important to Warm up your Vehicle in the Winter?

Is it Important to Warm up your Vehicle in the Winter?

Cold winter brings on the common car task of warming up your vehicle before you go anywhere but is it really important?

This seems second nature to go out in the blistering cold 10 minutes before you plan to leave and warm up your vehicle so that the engine performs correctly. This is a myth that has been busted.

Although this may have been true for cars with a carburetors but the electric fuel injected models available today are designed to handle cold temperatures and do not need to be warmed up. You can get in your vehicle, turn the key and go. The composition of the oil available today protects the engine in all temperatures. Oil today has been designed to be “stickier” meaning that it lubricates all the moving parts more efficiently leading to improved mileage and performance from your vehicle. Many vehicles have remote start capabilities that turn on the vehicle and will let it idle for around ten minutes. These devices work great if you want to have your vehicle toasty warm on the inside but it is not necessary for the engine. So when you wake up late on a blistery cold day have no fear your car will be ready to go the second you are.


30 Year ASE Master Certified Automotive Technician, Trainer and Educator for the automotive industry.